Shop Today Donate Tomorrow Save the Children 2024

Solo exhibition at Beit Hannah HaRabi, Tel Aviv

Curation: Shira Solomons

Exhibition photography: Alma Ben-David

“In the exhibition "Shop Today Donate Tomorrow Save the Children", the works address the artist's adaptation to the complexity of life and the current harsh reality. The exhibition space provides a momentary break. The works offer a distraction, but not a complete escape, from reality. While maintaining humor and optimism, the works also highlight current social issues - Boaz plays with the gap between criticising and relating.

Most of his works in the exhibition are characterized by the use of ready-made materials. They maintain the rawness of the object and its visual crudeness while changing its context. The pieces present sincerity and sensitivity, simplicity and depth simultaneously. Working with ready-made objects and materials from the street is a conscious choice with meaning. The use of waste, of "society’s trash" raises questions and critiques consumerism and climate issues.

By taking existing objects and changing their context, Parnas reorders items in space and asks questions about hierarchy and art itself, with use of cynicism and criticism.”
 -Shira Solomons